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Christmas Cookies

How to enjoy Christmas without over indulging


So, you’ve kept up training right through the year, then December hits, with Christmas parties and get togethers taking over the diary. Then there is also the collection of Celebrations and Heroes tubs at every corner at work and at home (HELP I hear you cry!) so exercising and eating sensibly becomes more challenging and harder to fit in. It’s tempting to stop altogether and start again In January!



Prenancy in White

Pregnancy Blog: What is Diastasis Recti during Pregnancy?


Several my clients and friends have asked me what it is…I can hardly say it…but let me explain what it is. Here goes…


Diastasis Recti, or separation of the abdominal muscles, is a common side effect of pregnancy, yet many expectant and new mums don’t even know what it is, let alone whether they have it.



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